The Best PhoneGap & Cordova Hybrid App Templates
Dive into our immense variety of great PhoneGap & Cordova Hybrid App Templates and choose for yourself! Therefore, in the list below you will find over 15 incredibly crafted app templates ready to be used. While at it, Make sure you share your opinion with us on your favourite product!
However, if you do not have an app, but you would like to upgrade our mobile website, we’ve got you covered. Check out our recent articles about our best HTML Mobile templates here. Finally, if you’re really into the AMP technology, click here, you won’t regret it!
1. Sticky Mobile
PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App
Our Absolute Best Seller – Sticky Mobile! Powered by a beautiful footer menu that helps your users navigate through your app faster than ever, Sticky creates the best environment for conversions. Moreover, Sticky comes packed with amazing page collection for Learning & Education, Finance, Task Management, Photography, Restaurant and more!
- Light & Dark Mode
- +215 Page Templates
- 40 Color Schemes + RTL
- Growing Page Collections
- 7 Sticky Footer Menu Styles
- +100 Reusable Components
2. Azures Mobile
PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App
Thanks to the decoration at the top of the page, Azures always stands out of the crowd! Powered by both a Fixed Footer Menu and a Sidebar Navigation, Azure offers a clear structure that will help you create the best user experience for you visitors. Modern and powerful are the two main strengths of Azures Mobile.
- 30 Color Schemes
- Fixed Footer Menu
- Auto Light & Dark Mode
- Sidebar Navigation
- +150 Page Templates
- +100 Flexible Components
3. Eazy Mobile
PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App
The entire file provides the perfect app feeling. With amazing highlights to help you in the branding process of your app, Eazy Mobile provides everything you need. Playful, yet professional, Eazy is intuitive, feature-filled and offers tons of ready to use pages!
- 10 Color Highlights
- +150 Page Templates
- Sidebar Menu With Effects
- Light & Dark Mode
- Top / Bottom / Modal Menus
- Templates for Store, News & Blog
4. Asterial Mobile
PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App
Asterial is a modern template, absolutely perfect for your Cordova App! With clean pages that look amazing on full screen, card designs, dark mode and numerous navigation styles, Asterial is simply out of this world. A complete solution for your next project.
- 10 Color Schemes
- +135 Page Templates
- 5 Elegant Footer Menus
- RTL Ready
- Light & Dark Mode
- 3 Multi Style Sidebar Menus
5. DuoDrawer Mobile
PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App
An absolute best seller on ThemeForest, DuoDrawer has made its way as a PhoneGap & Cordova App on Code Canyon! A True powerhouse, DuoDrawer provides all the components and pages you need for a complete app. Its non-intrusive sidebar navigation and the collection of over 150 page templates make it the perfect choice for you.
- +150 Page Templates
- Auto Light & Dark Mode
- Sidebar Navigation Effects
- Image Sliders
- +100 Components
- iOS & Android Compatibility
6.Just Mobile
PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App
A perfect choice for your next app! Just Mobile is designed for speed and clarity – with over 10 homepage designs and 10 menus, the possibilities are endless. Moreover, it provides App-Like Pages that will work perfectly on a Cordova App! Explore Just Mobile below:
- 90 Pages
- 2 Color Schemes
- Swipe Gallery & Sliders
- 10 Navigation Styles
- 10 Homepage Designs
- iOS & Android Compatibility
PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App
Apptastic is the best integration of powerful and easy to customise features combined with a seamless, intuitive transition between Light Mode and Dark Mode. Coupled with 6 perfectly balanced color highlights to obtain what is certainly the absolute Best Mobile product on Envato!
- Dark Mode + LightMode
- +145 Included Page Templates
- Sidebars, Header, Footer, Modal, Footer Menu
- iOS & Android Compatibility
- Six Highlight Colours Options
- Swipe Image Gallery & Image Sliders
PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App
Bars is a Premium, Professional Mobile Template designed to load in a heartbeat and provide you with all the flexible and highly customizable components and pages you’ll ever need. It’s one of our best products ever built.
- Dark Mode + LightMode
- 125 Included Page Templates
- Sidebars, Header, Footer, Modal, Footer Menu
- iOS & Android Compatibility
- Easy to use, copy & paste elements
- Swipe Image Gallery & Image Sliders
PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App
The Modern iOS and Android Design language includes Flat User Interfaces. But also gradients and simple colors combined. Hence, you obtain a surreal and 3D looking effect to buttons and other elements. Kolor embodies these design languages into one powerful, fast loading, easy to use and incredibly sexy mobile template.
- 130+ Included PAges
- 9 Colors Schemes/Gradients
- Great Sidebar Effects & Features
- 3D, Reveal, Parallax, Over, Push Sidebar Effects
- Filterable Galleries
- Instant Portfolios and Articles
- Action Boxes - Interact with Users
- Lifetime Free Updates & 6 Months Support
PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App
Meant to be ultra premium! Therefore, we built something that’s ULTRA powerful, ULTRA flexible while keeping it incredibly and ULTRA fast. Most noteworthy, we made it to be ULTRA easy to edit and ULTRA flexible when it comes to options. Hence, It’s simply ULTRAMobile.
- 100 Included Page Templates
- HD Graphics for Amazing Quality
- Sidebars, Header, Footer, Modal, Footer Menu
- iOS & Android Compatibility
- PhoneGap&Cordova Included
- Swipe Image Gallery & Image Sliders
PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App
It’s the most powerful, feature rich and fast loading Mobile Template on the market. MegaMobile features all possible page templates for you. Moreover, it includes 10 Different homepages, 7 navigation styles each and templates for store, news, blog and more.
- 100 Included Page Templates
- HD Graphics for Amazing Quality
- Sidebars, Header, Footer, Modal, Footer Menu
- iOS & Android Compatibility
- PhoneGap&Cordova Included
- 600+ Font Icons and google Fonts
PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App
Appeca is your key to unleash the power of your mobile device. We built it from the ground to provide your mobile users with a seamnless experience. While, at the same time, offering the easy to use, quality and flexible code you’ve been looking for. Hence, Appeca is insanely fast, highly customisable, and bulit just for you!
- 150+ Page Templates
- Action Sheets Snackbars, Toasts
- Sidebars, Header, Footer, Modal, Footer Menu
- iOS & Android Compatibility
- PhoneGap&Cordova Included
- 600+ Font Icons and google Fonts
Did you enjoy our list? Make sure you share your opinion with us in the comments. What’s your favourite app template? We cannot decide!